Stylish Fall Footwear Must Haves Under $100

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This past weekend, SoCal actually got some fall like weather. I'm talking like it was actually cool and I could wear a sweater without sweating. While I was fall on top I looked down and realized I had flip flops on. It's such a habit to grab my go-to pair because I feel like summer is so much longer than fall/winter here. I realized I definitely needed to add some fall shoes to my wardrobe. I've already added these and these to my collection but am definitely in need of some more, so I thought what better than a blog post to round up all my favorites and they are all under $100, many under $50! My go to store is always Target but would love to hear some of your favorite go to stores for fall footwear and what your favorites are from my selection in this post. Hope y'all had a great weekend, here's to a great week!

So until next time... Live Stylishly