A Stylish Decade Celebration: Years 1-4

As I mentioned last week, Friday marks 10 years of Stylelista Confessions! I'm naming the rest of the weeks post a"Stylish Decade Celebration" Cheesy enough for ya?! Today and tomorrow I want to take a little walk down memory lane to re-share how I have celebrated the last 10 years. Then on Friday I will have a special post to celebrate a decade! It's so much fun looking back at how I've grown over the years and how my writing has changed. It is still blowing my mind that I have kept this little blog alive over the past decade, I've gotta say this is one of my greatest accomplishments and I have all my readers to thank for that! So hear is how I celebrated years 1-4. Years 1 & 2 had some majorly blurry photos I am not proud of so I refrained from sharing them again.

Year 1: One Year of A Stylish Life

Now I started this blog back in 2009, I was still in college and still figuring out my place in the world. My posts and writing were SO much different back then. I can't even believe I shared this blurry small photo for year 1! I also sort of went by Stylelista Confessions: Live Your Life Stylishly, so you'll see that referenced in the post. I ended up dropping that around year 3 but its so fun to see that written! My posts were also kind of scattered during year 1 as I was juggling a job and a full time school schedule.

Year 2: Happy 2nd Birthday Stylelista Confessions

I had literally graduated college two months prior to this and had lived in LA I think maybe 2 weeks. I had an internship but was looking for a full time job. I definitely remember how stressed I was this year. Again another blurry photo! ha!

Year 3: Stylish Third Birthday Celebration

By this time, I had lived in LA for a little over a year. I was working full time at LAmade and one of co-workers happened to be a photographer. We went to a park in Beverly Hills and I shot the pictures shown in the post, I seriously look SO young! I still love that dress though and wish I still had it!

Year 4: Stylish Outfit: Stylelista Confessions 4th Blog-iversary 

So as I was writing this post, the memories of this year came flooding back. Not only were these pictures taken by mom at the old beach house (before it was remodeled) but I remember that I got SO sunburnt this day and then ran out to get a cupcake and candle to take these pictures because I totally spaced on doing something special. You can TOTALLY tell how red my chest and legs were. Ugh and my face this was obviously prior to me learning to never put my face in the sun ha! Such a fun memory! I actually still have these booties and purse in case you were wondering!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see how I celebrated years 5-9!

So until next time... Live Stylishly