A Stylish Much Needed Life Update

What a crazy couple weeks it has been. Excited to finally share an update with y'all! So for those of you haven't already figured it out, I officially moved out of LA and am now living in Huntington Beach! Some personal things occurred and it just was the right time for me to get out of LA and move closer to my family! I am still however, employed up in LA but my amazing boss has allowed me to work from home, so I only commute up to LA if absolutely necessary. When I first left LA, I moved in with my parents for about 2 months but 2 weeks ago officially moved into my own place about 10 minutes from them! I freakin love it and love living alone, its been almost 10 years since I've lived alone with no roommates and I can't believe I went that long haha! My new place is slowly coming together and it's amazing having a second bedroom that is my dedicated office. I will be sharing more of the new place very soon but here are a few sneak peeks, including one of how happy Henry is! :)  Thanks to all my loyal readers for sticking with me, I promise I have fun content coming very soon! Hope y'all have a wonderful Tuesday!

So until next time... Live Stylishly