A Stylish 6th Blogiversary Celebration

I am so excited to share that it is my blog's 6th blogiversary! (well technically it was yesterday) It is crazy to think that I have been at this blogging thing for 6 years! I normally do a photoshoot and a celebration, but this year I just thought I would reflect back on the last six years. I know this year has been a bit slower on my blog, but I am still so passionate about blogging and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for me.This blog has helped me grow professionally and personally. I have learned so much about the fashion and blogging industry and am still learning new things every single day. I decided to share my 6 favorite posts from the past 6 years. I can't be more thankful too all the people who have supported me since day 1 and all the amazing friends I have made along the years. Cheers to 6 years of a Stylish life and to many many more years of stylish living!

2009 - my first blog post ever.  It makes me smile as to how much I have grown as a writer. There was image on this post, just me writing. It's a very special post to me!

"Welcome To The Stylish Life"

2010 - I went on a family vacation to Paris this year and it was the trip that changed my life!

2011- I graduated from college this year and started my life as a professional

2012 - This was a rough year professionally, but it was also the year I began sharing my personal style.

"Another Stylish Day at LAmade"

2013 - LuckyFABB came to the West Coast and I met some of my (still) closest friends there

"Stylish Outfit: Lucky FABB West Day One"

2014 - This was an incredible year professionally for me and one of the accomplishments was the launch of my very own E-Book!

"The Stylish Guide to Blogging e-book Release"

I am so excited to see what 2015 and 2016 has in store for me! Thank you again to everyone who has helped me along the way, this is for you!

So until next time... Live Stylishly

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