Stylish Father's Day Gift Guide

Father's Day Gift Guide

1. UCLA BBQ Tote Set

2. FitBit Charge Wristband

3. Viktor&Rolf Spicebomb Father's Day Gift Set

4. This Art of Shaving razor is inspired by one of the first auto-racing arenas in the US. It looks like a sleek Jaguar roadster but obvy requires less upkeep and is budget friendly!

5. Breaking Bad Entire Series DVD Set

Father's Day is this Sunday and if your lie kme shopping for my dad is one of the hardest things ever. What do you get the guy that has everything and always says he doesn't need anything. While I tend to sometimes resort to gift cards or something simple, its always nice to get your dad an actual gift so it feels like your doing more than just giving him a little card with money on it. I rounded up some of the best Father's Day gift options that won't break the bank but will still tell Dad how much you love him! Some of these gifts are definitely tailored to my dad personally, but they are all still great ideas! Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

So until next time.... Live Stylishly

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