If you haven't heard of Pursecase by now, you have been living under a rock since they are practically everywhere now! I am avid SharkTank viewer and when I saw Pursecase last year I knew I had to have one. Luckily, I happened to meet Kelley, the founder, a few months later at an event and was so stoked when she offered to send me some to share on my blog. Well lets just say I can't get enough of the genius invention. I'm not even going to say how much I love it because I will ramble for days haha! I was even more excited when my girls over at Pursecase said they are going to give one lucky Stylelista Confessions reader a chance to own their own Pursecase! I own the black and white ones but they have tons of color options and are a must for 2015! You can see how I styled my black Pursecase above but there are endless amounts of options! 
So lets get to the giveaway! Remember to enter below using Rafflecopter and check back through December 16th for new giveaways! Check back here on Wednesday 12/10 to see if you're the winner of this giveaway! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So until next time... Live Stylishly
You can also find Stylelista Confessions on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin' and Instagram