I am not going to lie this week recapping the past five years has been an emotional roller coaster for me. I struggle with many things in my life like everyone does, but my blog has always remained a consistent outlet for me to express myself and coming to terms with it already being five years is definitely emotional for me. So back to my flashback. Today is time to flashback to 2012, another crazy year for me. 2012 was a year of change for me, I struggled to find a job in Los Angeles in the beginning of the year but in the late spring I was finally able to start working at a job that will forever change my life and I then made another huge move of moving out of my grandma's house and into my own apartment. This would be the first time I would be paying rent completely on my own with no help and it was an incredible feeling. 2012 was also the year I was finally able to visit New York City for the first time thanks to my job. I got to attend my first Lucky FABB (I have now been to five) and looking back at that trip, I remember how excited I was to finally get to visit a city I had been dreaming of going to my whole life, the trip was incredible and I made some life long friends! So instead of me rambling all day I will let you read my favorite post of 2011 which I posted IRONICALLY exactly two years ago today on
September 10, 2012
Stylish Lucky FABB Review I'm back!!! I know its been forever since I posted but I am back from NYC and have SO much to share with all my readers! I attended my first blog conference, Lucky FABB and I can say that I have returned to LA as a better and more excited blogger than ever! I got to listen to some amazing speakers which included Rachel Zoe, Lauren Conrad, The Man Repeller, and Anna Sui! I loved every minute of it and NYC is my new favorite city and I can't wait to return in a few short months with my girls for Fall 2013 FW!! Check out some pictures from my amazing trip below!Simon Doonan and Anna Sui
Brandon Holley and Rachel Zoe
Lauren Conrad
All the lovely gifts I got from the fabulous gifters at Lucky FABB! :)
Nikki from My Style Diaries and myself. I wore a Forever 21 top and Skirt, Necklace from Nordstrom and shoes from Shoe Mint! I loved my outfit, cant wait to wear it again!
Myself and Madison from RewardStyle
Rereading this post makes me so happy because that trip forever changed my life! I also have to say that by far of all the Lucky FABBs I have attended that one was the best by far! Come back tomorrow for last flashback post as I share my favorite post from 2013! Don't forget on Friday I will be sharing the ultimate post to celebrate five years!So until next time... Live Stylishly
You can also find Stylelista Confessions on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin' and Instagram