Five Stylish Goals for 2014


Every new year, we all set goals and swear we are going to stick to them but by about March, we are back to our old ways. I know I am extremely guilty of this and I am determined to make 2014 the year where I can actually keep my resolutions and make healthy and good changes to my life. 2014 is going to be the year where I feel better emotionally and physically, but I am going to be realistic with what I want and not over do it. Here are just 5 of the long list of things I am going to try to work on every single day during 2014, so I can make it the best year yet!

1. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
I am not doing this to lose weight or to be something I am not, but I am setting this goal to make myself live a happy and long life. Exercise is going to help in so many areas.
2. Interact More With Others
Being a blogger, it can start to feel like you don't have much face to face interaction, but I am setting one of my goals is to work on more face to face interaction. Setting up more coffee dates, turning off my cell phone at night, and writing letters instead of emails!

3. Cook 
I am the queen of not cooking and heating food up, this year I am planning to take a cooking class and start cooking every meal for myself, so I can stay healthy and eat things I always have wanted to make!

4. Cherish Friends and Family
At the end of the day all you have is your family and friends and true friends stick by you no matter what. 2014 is going to be the year I strengthen the relationships with my family and friends, and also make new friends!

5. Help Others
I am blessed to have as much as I do, and sometimes I forget how lucky I really am. I want to spend 2014, being more selfless and helping those that may not be as fortunate as me. I plan to help volunteer at local animal shelters and volunteer at local shelters. 

What are you planning to achieve in 2014? 
So until next time... Live Stylishly
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