12 Stylish Days of Giveaways: {Day 11} [CLOSED]

Happy Monday! So today is the second to last day of 12 Stylish Days of Giveaways! Can you believe Christmas is only 9 days away, this month has flown by! Today's giveaway is a fun one because if you're like me, you are pretty frequently seen with a hair tie either around your wrist or in your head. My friends have named my infamous top knot the "Alex Bun" probably because I am always too lazy to do my hair and a top knot is easy and chic. I used to use those horrible rubber band hair ties, only to get knots and breaks in my hair, and then thankfully the world was introduced to hair ties without that horrible rubber band material and it could double as a fun bracelet. Bel Fiore is no exception as they make the most incredibly stylish hair ties and headbands that are perfect for everyone! They are effortless and chic and come in so many colors and designs, its like a no brainer that everyone should have these! Bel Fiore is giving one lucky Stylelista Confessions reader a chance to win a variety pack of hair ties and headbands worth over $35 and in an array of colors and designs. It also comes in the most cutest packaging ever!
So let's get to the giveaway.... enter using Rafflecopter and remember to come back tomorrow for the final giveaway! Don't forget to check back here on Thursday 12/19 to see if you're the winner! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So until next time... Live Stylishly

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