If you haven't figured out by now, I have a slight obsession with anything sequined. Well actually, anything sequined, glittered, or sparkly. I would live in a sequined covered house if I could! Whenever I am shopping, my eye is instantly attracted to anything and everything sequined. Some people think sequins are only for New Years Eve or fancy parties, but I want to prove that sequins are totally appropriate and STYLISH for daytime. I am sure most of you are totally on board with sequins for daytime, but for any skeptics, I am out to prove you otherwise! I found some perfect sequin items that are totally perfect for during the day and even into the evening. Heck, I even included a (splurge) sequin maxi skirt, because who's really stopping you from wearing that incredible piece of clothing? Rock it and you're sure to have the best day! :)