Stylish Two Years in Los Angeles

As I sit down to write this post, I am almost choking up because I can't believe how fast time flies. Today marks exactly two years since I made the big move back to Los Angeles and the day my life changed forever. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was back in the heat of Arizona with my dad packing up my condo, and saying goodbye to friends and the life I had known for almost 4 years. I remember the drive to Cali so perfectly, me behind my dad in the U-Haul, so scared and yet so excited to start my new life as a real adult in LA! Moving into my grandmother's, only expecting to be there a few months, (it turned to almost 11 months) and starting the quest of finding a full time job. 


Well a lot has happened since and I feel I am such a better and stronger person. I have become closer than ever with my family, met a guy who I can see a real future with, and making so many memories, words can't even begin to explain. I owe most of my success to my amazing parents and sister who have, no matter, stood by me through thick and thin and supported me in every move, right or wrong, I have made. Also to my boyfriend, who has made 2013 the most incredible year and shown me that life is so different with a new and fresh perspective. To all my readers who have stood by me through the 4 years this blog has been up and running and always coming back. Here's to many more years in Los Angeles!

So until next time... Live Stylishly xo


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