I'm back!! I can't believe the week went by SO fast and I am already home! Hawaii was fabulous and I am definitely rested, tan, and ready to take on April! I can't thank my parents enough for taking me on such a fabulous vacation, I had a blast! If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you know I posted an outfit post every day via Instagram (if you missed them check out tomorrow's post where I recap all the outfits!), so don't worry even Hawaii didn't stop my blogging and capturing every moment possible! Not only did I lie on the beach and get bronzed, I got to see the Pearl Harbor memorial, and take a BEAUTIFUL hike through the cliffs of Oahu. This was also the first vacation I had been on where I was FINALLY allowed to order a cocktail, with alcohol! I got to try some yummy drinks, many island exclusives and I must say I am hooked! But before I share some of my snapshots of my trip, I want to thank all my guest bloggers for posting last week while I was away! I couldn't have been more pleased with the feedback I received, and I hope you enjoyed it as well! Thanks again ladies for being so generous! Now to some pictures!

Very moving picture, all the names of those fallen in Pearl Harbor
Thanks again mom and dad for a great trip!
So until next time.... Live Stylishly